“How To . . . Find Phineas Clemente”

If you’re looking for Phineas, you’re not alone. Phineas is hanging out upstairs, inside that elongated tab at the top. Or you can just click here . . .https://drinkswellwithothers.wordpress.com/how-to-go-from-americas-most-wanted-to-president-and-still-get-the-girl/

There is an explanation for the protracted title. I wrote this short story (or long post) a little while back and promptly forgot about it until I was re-organizing my folders. It was written in the same vein as my post “Turn a bad breakfast into murder . . .”, so I just added a name to the character and re-worked it thusly, leaving the title alone since it works. The only thing I do not have yet is the ending, which is unusual for me since I usually write the ending first.

I’m heading upstate on an impromptu writers retreat for the next couple days. My inner literary voice was telling me to “Go Beston, Young Man!”, to which I will abide Thoreau-ly. So, after I get my fill of trail riding, four wheeling, swimming and friendly drinks in the middle of the afternoon, I’m going to commune with nature and pen- or in this case, lap top. I’m not sure whether I will have benefit of internet access where I’m going, so if not, I’ll post the next part of Phineas’s adventure on Wednesday evening rather than first thing in the morning. I realize you didn’t ask, but I figured I’d let you know since I haven’t been doing such a plum job of direction to this point.

Here’s another tune for Phineas, who’s planning to break IN to a country most peeps are trying to break out of.

6 thoughts on ““How To . . . Find Phineas Clemente”

  1. Dude I’m waiting on Phineas good character and by the way I LOVED the “Turn a Bad Breakfast Into Murder” story. It was awesome and the reason why I decided to stalk you 🙂

    • So you’re saying I’m “Stalk Worthy”? That is probably the best compliment I’m gonna get today, seriously. I really like the idea. Sounds important, yanno? Like “Hey, I have a stalker.” . . . Nothing impresses people quite like having a stalker. I love it.

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